Seven newsboys of THE DAILY REPUBLIC spent three days in the Black Hills for winning a circulation contest for the Mitchell
daily. Shown inspecting the Journal's circulation department at a stop in Rapid City are from left, front row, Clyde Goin,
circulation deprtment manager, Donnie Young, Mitchell, Joe Schlimgen, Mitchell, Bradley Bork, Murdo, Dennis Hinders, Chamberlain,
and Kevin Coler, Lake Andes. Back row from left are John Clemensen, Mitchell, Ted Coler, Lake Andes, and Wayne Fedderson,
Mitchell, a chaperone. The newsboys left Mitchell Monday and returned Wednesday night. (Rapid City Journal Photo)
Proficiency badges are always presented at a Court of Awards. Such is taking place in the picture above of Intermediate
troop 5, Notre Dame, with Mrs. Elmer Ott, leader. Over 100 badges, or $25 worth, were presented the Girl Scout by Mrs. Ott.
Above, from the left, are, seated, Jeanne Morrissey, Sherril Hohn, Linda Kruse, Corrine Sullivan, Mary Ann Crelly and Maryann
Sharkey; standing, Mrs. Ott, Carol Grant, Mary Rozum, Patty Sebastian, Jane Laufenberg, Donna Hussey, Mary Kay Ott, Judy Garvey,
Nikki Briere, Elizabeth Schroeder and Barbara Schaefer. Patty and Mary Kay are both senior scouts in the ninth grade, helping
Mrs. Ott with the troop; each has earned 25 badges. (Republic Photo by Tice)
